If you're like most pet lovers, you hate leaving your pet in unfamiliar surroundings.
Pet Sitters Club provides the best solution for you. Your dog, cat and/or other pets will have the care they need every time you're away - right in your own home. Our team truly loves animals. With us, you are assured reliable and responsive service. You can leave home with peace of mind knowing that you've left your pet in good hands.
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We specialize in dog and cat care in the comfort of your own home when you can not be there. We offer a flexible schedule tailored to you and your pet's needs, including:
Mid-day dog walk breaks for new puppies
Daily dog walks to accommodate busy schedules
Challenging Dog walks when your furry friend has put on a few extra pounds
Bathroom breaks for older and young dogs alike
Behavior training and modification
Pet transportation to and from your local vet and/or groomer
Simply Fill out this form and Press "Submit" to send us a message. Call us (516)466-5617 or email us directly at PetSit4u@PetSit4U.com
Pet Sitters Club Inc 2 Spruce Street, Great Neck, NY 11021
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