Archive for the ‘Tips and Tricks’ Category
Covid 19 and Contact-less Dog Walks – Starting the New Normal
Tuesday, May 12th, 2020We here at Pet Sitters Club hope you are all well and safe. A few customers have started to ask if we can start providing walks. Since we had already been considered an essential service and were providing contact-less visits to essential workers, we have been able to practice and refine contact-less walking procedures with our team. We will go over the procedures with you to ensure all parties are comfortable beginning the new normal in dog walking at Pet Sitters Club. We thank you for all your support over the past few months and we are excited to start seeing some of our old friends.
Our Contact-less Dog Walking Measures to keep Dog Walkers and Clients Safe

We look forward to hearing from you when you are ready to have us back!!!
Stay safe and healthy.
Naomi and James
Good for You, Good for Your Dog!
Thursday, January 31st, 2013In honor of February being Responsible Pet Owner’s month, Pet Sitters Club is proud to Introduce “Good for You, Good For Your Dog” series. Over the next two weeks we will be posting on FaceBook and Twitter a series of posts that will highlight items in your kitchen and cupboard you can safely share with your dog. Of course all changes in your dog’s diet should be done gradually and with prior consultation with your vet.
However if you can’t wait, that’s fine. For our loyal blog readers we have posted the full list here:
Priority Total Pet Care Dog Treats Recall
Saturday, November 24th, 2012Priority Total Pet Care Dog Treats Recall
November 20, 2012 – Carolina Prime Pet, Inc. has announced it is voluntarily recalling certain lots of its Priority Total Pet Care All Natural Bullstrips dog treats because they may be contaminated with Salmonella.
The event was reported by the US FDA in a news release dated November 20, 2012.
According to the company, there have been no reported illnesses related to these products.
The affected products were sold in Safeway Stores in Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington DC and Wyoming.
The recalled products were also sold at Vons, Pavilions and Pak ‘N Save stores in California; Randalls and Tom Thumb stores in Texas; Genuardi’s stores in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and Dominick’s stores in Illinois.
They were distributed from about the first of September until the present.
For the full the full article at Click Here
Friday, October 26th, 2012Pet owners should have an emergency plan that includes the safety of their animals. Long Island and NYC are among the areas now considered in Sandy’s forecasted path. Please consider your pets. Try to move any pets indoors during this storm. High winds, heavy rain, falling debris are only of the few possible dangers that we face. NEVER leave your pet chained outside!
If you face evacuation, identify a shelter. For public health reasons, many emergency shelters cannot accept pets. Find out which motels and hotels in your area allow pets — well in advance of needing them. Include your local animal shelter’s number in your list of emergency numbers — they might be able to provide information concerning pets during a disaster.
Check to see which of our local Pet Friendly Shelters are operational.
Use this checklist to help gather everything you may need for your pet. Include:
- at least a 5-7 day supply of pet food and bottled water<
- a 2 week supply of medication with dosage instructions
- a flashlight with extra batteries
- food and water bowls
- a can opener and spoon for canned food, if necessary
- a cage or carrier for smaller animals
- an extra collar, leash or harness for larger animals
- a litter box, litter and a scoop (for cats)
- plastic trash bags, paper towels, soap and bleach (for waste)
- comfort items (such as bedding, toys or pet treats)
- latex glove (for handling waste)
- blanket or sheet to cover cages
- first aid kit
Call your local emergency management office, animal shelter, to get advice and information.
Place a notice outside in a visible area, advising what pets are in the house and where they are located if your pets are left behind. Provide a phone number where you or a contact can be reached as well as the name and number of your vet.
Keeping Fido & Fluffy Safe During the “Dog Days” of Summer
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012Keeping Fido & Fluffy Safe During the “Dog Days” of Summer
When the spring and summer approach, you get the urge to enjoy the great outdoors. What a perfect time to take the dog or dogs out for a jog or nice, long walk. Dogs love all the sights, sound and smell of nature as much as you do. However, when it comes to the heat of summer, there are precautions you should take regarding the health and safety of your pets. (more…)
How Smart Is Your Pooch?
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012How Smart Is Your Pooch? – Pet Sitters Club
Let’s face it. We all think our pets are the smartest, cutest, and hands down best companions. But how does your pooch rate in the top ten smartest dog breed statistics? Take a quick look below to find out! (more…)
Why do Dogs Lift Their Legs? Why do Dogs Lift Their Legs?
Thursday, February 16th, 2012Sometimes you wonder if you’re ever going to make it around the block. Your male dog stops every few feet to lift his leg-on trees, light poles, car tires. You name it, he’ll mark it.
A dog’s urine contains scent markers that delineate his territory, inform other dogs of his whereabouts, indicate his social standing and sexual availability, and warn off intruders. Dogs cock their legs to distribute scent at the highest point possible, allowing air currents to sweep it throughout the area. (more…)
Why do Cats Purr?
Thursday, February 9th, 2012Why do Cats Purr?
People love the sound of a cats purr, but the soothing sound is still not very well understood. You probably think a purring cat is a happy cat, but this explanation doesn’t cover all the bases. Cats purr not only when they are happy but also when they are stressed-for instance at the veterinarian’s office. Think of the purr as the cat’s equivalent of our smile, indicating no hostile intent is meant. (more…)
Dog Walking- The one Thing you CANNOT skip!!
Tuesday, January 31st, 2012Dog Walking- The one Thing you CANNOT skip!!
Looking back at one of the items under our “Dog Walking Rules and Words of Advice from a Professional Dog Walker” exercising your dog is the one thing you cannot skip. Walking with your dog is the single most powerful tool we suggest to help you connect with your dog. By leading the walk, you have the ability to truly bond with your dog as his/her pack leader. The “dog walk” is fundamentally where your dog learns to “be a dog”. (more…)
Dog Walking Rules and Words of Advice from a Professional Dog Walker
Wednesday, January 25th, 2012Dog Walking Rules and Words of Advice from a Professional Dog Walker, New York
Dog Walking may seem like a mindless activity, but believe us, it’s not just a walk in the park. Having run a professional dog walking company for thirteen years, we have learned that there are 10 things that are crucial to ensuring the safety and happiness of dogs, their owners and the general public. Here are some guidelines every dog owner or dog walker should follow out of courtesy, safety and just plain common sense. (more…)